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Self Driving Cars

How do self driving cars work?

By using a combination of sensors, radar, computer controlled actuators and GPS, self driving cars are able to navigate without a human driver.  The sensors are used to determine lane position and proximity to nearby objects.  The radar is used to help detect objects that are further away and to apply emergency braking when the car is at speed.  Computer controlled actuators that are sometimes mechanical/electrical in nature will control the steering and brakes.  Some autonomous cars of the future will have only a retractable steering wheel and emergency braking controls.  In vehicle GPS will help the vehicle to navigate to where it is going by directing it when to make a turn or change course.

When will self driving cars be available?

Autonomous vehicles are available today but most of these that are legal for street use are only semi-autonomous and rely on some level of human input.  As the technology continues to develop, it is expected that companies like Waymo, Tesla and Apple will be taking over the roads and driving will become a thing of the past.  The wealthy and elite will be the first to experience and benefit from autonomous vehicles.

Self driving cars pros and cons?

Automotive news outlets believe the time saved driving is one of the biggest standouts for potential owners and, in combination with safety, the interest and buzz in autonomous vehicles is growing in popularity.  Spending those extra hours with family or working from your vehicle while driving from client to client could spur on a new way to do business. Some of the drawbacks are the low rate of fatal crashes (usually involving pedestrians), the loss of control to artificial intelligence and the high cost to purchase, though as the technology improves the cost will drop rapidly.

Can I buy a self driving car today?

Yes, Tesla has semi-autonomous vehicles available that do require human input.  The experience really is mind blowing and it can be difficult to not want to grasp the wheel around corners, around pedestrians or in congested traffic even at slow speeds.  More and more autonomous vehicles are going to be released in the coming months, mainly from larger automakers that want to get into the mix and take sales away from Tesla.

Do you need a driver’s license for a self driving car?

Yes, a full, unrestricted driver’s license is currently required to drive a self driving car but in the future we would expect the department of transportation to slowly start easing back on these requirements as automotive and transportation companies start to market their products are driver free solutions to transportation woes.  The integration from driver to driverless technology may be painful and it can be imagined that when a blend of both vehicles is on the road there are sure to be more accidents and finger pointing.  A seamless switch from the way we drive now to a fully autonomous driving culture is going to be painful, lawyers will have a long list of potential clients before we are no long in control of a moving vehicle.

Max Lightfoot

Auto Blog Online

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