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5 Things Every New Business Should Have Or Need To Do

To be one’s own boss is a dream come true for many small business owners. The freedom and the zest to ace your field on your own terms can give you an utter sense of satisfaction and joy. You have your own set of working hours, your own rules and there are a thousand possibilities for you to explore and discover.

The rules are entirely yours. However, there are 5 key things every new business owner should be aware of and try and execute when starting a new business. You must be prepared for these 5 key activities that will help you to create a successful streamlined business.

Take a look at these 5 essential must do’s as a new business owner…

1. Room For Creativity

A new business is nothing without unique and fresh insights and ideas. It does not matter if you are the king of networking; if you are not bringing an innovative  offer to the table, you may be in trouble.

Listen to the needs of your audience, customers and clients. It is important to have the creativity juices flowing in a start-up.

2. Marketing Strategy And Implementation

A key factor to any successful business is having a great marketing strategy and implementing it consistently. The success of your new company may depend on it. Therefore, it is important to never skimp on your marketing program and be rigorous in its implementation. It is important to know your target audience. Based on their demands and habits, curate your marketing strategy. Along with that, keep track of your direct and indirect rivals, find the best platform for you to promote and advertise your products and services, and the most effective way to engage with your target audience.

3. Small Business Insurance

Ensure you have suitable business insurance in place from Day 1. You are exposed to several risks as soon as you open your doors for business. An employee can get injured at work; a natural calamity or fire can damage your property; your business vehicles can be stolen or destroyed in an accident, or a client or third party can sue you for injury or property damage.

Having suitable commercial insurance can cover many risks businesses face. For example, public liability insurance provides financial protection against injury or property damage to others caused by your business operation. Property insurance covers your building against fire and property damage. Fleet insurance is designed to protect your business vehicles. Commercial insurance can also cover legal fees when specified. Insurance can pay for damages, eliminating the need to pay out of pocket. This way, you can have peace of mind that you are covered if anything goes wrong in the early days, when otherwise a large claim could wipe you out.

4. Financing

Cost management is an integral part of new businesses. Your new business is more likely to succeed if your business is finally resourced and you have a realistic budget. Cash flow problems in the early years is one of the main reasons when it comes to new businesses not surviving. It is important for a company to have some cash reserves to pay their employees, working capital and stock. Make sure you do not overspend and ensure you have a buffer if things do not go exactly as planned – as they rarely do.

5. Business partnership

Choosing a suitable business partner can make or break your new venture. Get it right with a partner and you will have a better chance at stability and growth. Getting it wrong causes trouble that is hard to get out of. A concrete agreement must be made and executed in terms of partnerships, so you have some guiding principles if it goes right, or a way out if it goes wrong.

While starting a business of your own can be your best decision ever; it is important to consider the above tips.


*Important: Cover may be available subject to meeting insurers underwriting criteria. Some of the covers listed may or may not be available or may have limitations or exclusions. Cover inclusions vary significantly from insurer to insurer. DO NOT rely upon the above. Check your policy schedule carefully for inclusions and exclusions and limitations. Talk to a business insurance broker for more information.

Author Bio:

Romit Malhotra is the brand representative of Smart Business Insurance, a leading Australian insurance broker. A big foodie, he loves to travel the world. Also, a diligent businessman, Romit likes to pen down his thoughts on related topics whenever he finds some free time.

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